While protecting our environment is very important to us world wide, it is a necessity here at Kodiak Raspberry Island Remote Lodge. Certainly while a serene landscape, clear water, bountiful plants, animals, and fresh fish, free in the oceans around us, are what our lively hood is based on, our remote location also demands a frugal footprint. Everything must be hauled in and out, by boat or by plane.
Our hydro-electric system has been operational since 2004 and now provides 100% of the electrical power consumed by our facility in the summer, and is partially backed up by solar panels installed in 2008. Modified with a trough type feed and filter intake box, it works with the river, instead of against it. Not only is it clean, quiet, and renewable, it prevents us from hauling as much fossil fuel to satisfy a generator.
Garbage is always an issue. It was initially an attempt to cut back on bottles and cans that led to our relationship with the Kodiak Island Brewing Company — we now serve their beer on tap.
Fuel is expensive, so our boats are state of the art hydrofoil assist catamarans, a significant investment not only in the comfort of those going out on fishing or boating expeditions, but also to minimize fuel burn and conserve fuel costs.
Our organic gardens and greenhouses are here to create atmosphere and provide our guests with fresh produce. However, think of what one head of lettuce must go through between it’s home field where it is harvested and Raspberry Island!
Our Advantex sewer system uses a light charge of electricity from our hydro-electric system and extensive filtration to break down waste and effluent is clean. This is a long way away from an outhouse.
We know there is always room for improvement, and we will continue to strive, through new technology and practice, to even further lower our impact on this amazing, beautiful place.
Taken care of like family, treated like royalty….Is this really Elk hunting? This is the life! Thank you ever so much! ~ Stacee and Jack K. Alaska